總公司來安貿(mào)易有限公司位于香港西營盤水街47號3/F。Head office LA TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Is located at 3/F, 47, WATER STREET, SAI YING PUN, HONG KONG.
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  • 生物基及降解
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概述  Overview

        由于傳統(tǒng)的塑料是很穩(wěn)定的、不易降解和生物降解的產(chǎn)品,隨意丟棄的塑料和垃圾填埋場中固體塑料廢物是一個重大環(huán)境問題。隨意丟棄的一次性塑料制品 (尤其是塑料袋)是一種有形的和普遍的污染物,并威脅到動物、海洋物種和人類健康。在垃圾填埋場,固體塑料廢物增加填埋量,阻礙填埋壓實(shí)和拖延廢棄有機(jī)物 質(zhì)降解, 從而促成有害的溫室氣體甲烷的生成。就算有些國家用燃燒方式處理垃圾從而轉(zhuǎn)化能量為取暖用途,其產(chǎn)生的炭排放氣體量也極高,因此,硏發(fā)出可較快降解、全生物降解或可減少炭排放的塑料是處理這些問題令人欣喜的一步。

With increasing public concern over plastic waste accumulation in recent years, the demand for plastics that has a much shorter degradable cycle or can significantly reduce its level of greenhouse gas emissions is mounting. The plastics industry has tried various approaches to develop new type of plastics that can perform in the same way as conventional plastics.


光合降解/Oxo-degradable Additives

        過去二三十年來,塑料行業(yè)一直不斷研發(fā)與普通塑料等效、價格低廉,能夠被廣泛使用的降解和生物降解塑料產(chǎn)品。希望開發(fā)出性能等同普通塑料,但可在不同處理 環(huán)境(丟棄垃圾,填埋,堆肥,水,土壤)中較快降解和生物降解的塑料。光合降解技術(shù)是實(shí)現(xiàn)這些目標(biāo)的最實(shí)用和最經(jīng)濟(jì)的方式。





Oxo-degradable additive, is one of the most practical and economical product that makes plastics biodegrade relatively quickly in different disposal environment.

When added to PE, PP and PS resins, causes the plastic to degrade at a controlled rate. The degradation is triggered by exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight), elevated temperatures or mechanical stress. The shelf life and service life of degradable plastic products incorporating oxo-degradable additive can be customized based on customer requirements ranging from a few months to years, depending on the type and amount of additive added to the plastic resin. Subsequent to the initial degradation, products made with polyethylene (such as grocery, shopping and garbage bags) are biodegradable.

Plastics incorporating oxo-degradable additive is processed, performs and is visually indistinguishable from conventional non-degradable plastic materials. They have similar physical properties as regular products prior to the onset of degradation. They are cost-competitive. They are also compatible with existing recycling operations and can be safely co-mingled with conventional plastic inputs prior to the onset of degradation.

Most oxo-degradable additive products are food contact compliant and meet applicable US, Canadian and European standards. Composts made from plastics incorporating oxo-degradable additive are found to have no toxic effect on sensitive plant or animal life.



生物降解/堆肥 Bio-degradable/Compostable


        可生物降解/堆肥的創(chuàng)聚合物塑料的屬性和使用的特征非常類似于傳統(tǒng)的塑料,但在同一時間,它們根據(jù)歐洲標(biāo)準(zhǔn) EN13432,為技術(shù)材料制造商、公共機(jī)關(guān)、認(rèn)證機(jī)構(gòu)和消費(fèi)者最重要的生物降解和可堆肥的參考指引。

        由于生物降解性和可堆肥的特點(diǎn),使用可生物降解/堆肥的創(chuàng)聚合物塑料的產(chǎn)品可以優(yōu)化廢物收集和管理,以減少對環(huán)境的影響,并對于所有的生產(chǎn) - 消費(fèi) - 廢棄周期系統(tǒng)改良有顯著的發(fā)展優(yōu)勢。



        主要自蔬菜成分 - 以下多種(纖維素,甘油,天然填料和各種農(nóng)作物獲得的非轉(zhuǎn)基因淀粉),它們都從種植園萃取,并不會利用未開發(fā)或者砍伐的土地。

        例如,玉米淀粉,為Mater-Bi ®使用的其中一種主要的傳統(tǒng)植物成分,是已經(jīng)被廣泛使用了幾十年作為工業(yè)添加劑,以產(chǎn)生大量的產(chǎn)品,例如紙。所使用的不是改造基因玉米,并在歐洲以當(dāng)?shù)剞r(nóng)場常用的農(nóng)藝方法種植。它是直接從谷物中提取并進(jìn)行設(shè)計,以保持其自然特性的物理變化。這使得該方法有效率,使資源的利用為最小值。

        Mater-Bi ®含淀粉的等級都涵蓋了廣泛的專利和各種高度多元化結(jié)構(gòu),其中淀粉或者形成與其他聚合物組分的復(fù)合物,或呈現(xiàn)出非常精細(xì)的分散的形態(tài),這使得該產(chǎn)品特別堅韌。

        其它等級的Mater-Bi ®不含有淀粉而只是僅僅由生物降解的可再生能源的聚合物用的原料或化石來源的原料來制造。只從使用化石資源獲得的物質(zhì)時,其可再生等值并非適用于工業(yè)水平。用作聚合物原料的植物油來自非基因改造作物(沒有用棕櫚油或豆油)。

        其中一個與生產(chǎn)Mater-Bi ®有關(guān)聯(lián)的成份是Origo-Bi®,由Novamont技術(shù)從植物油家族得到的聚酯。Origo-Bi®有助于改善Mater-Bi®性能范圍內(nèi)的技術(shù),經(jīng)濟(jì)和對環(huán)境的影響。


        同時, 現(xiàn)在很多國內(nèi)的供應(yīng)商也提供符合歐洲標(biāo)準(zhǔn) EN13432的可生物降解/堆肥的聚合物塑料,價格也較相宜。


Bio-degradable/Compostable now has family of innovative bioplastics obtained thanks to proprietary technologies in the field of starch, cellulose, vegetable oils and their combinations. They find application in various areas, such as separate waste collection, food service sector, large-scale retail distribution, packaging, agriculture, hygiene and personal care.

Bioplastics are materials whose properties and characteristics of use are very similar to those of traditional plastics, but at the same time, they are biodegradable and compostable according to the European standard EN 13432, the most important reference for the technical material manufacturers, public authorities, composters, certifiers and consumers.

One of the most early available and famous brand is the Mater-Bi®. Due to the characteristics of biodegradability and compostability, products allow to optimize waste collection and management, to reduce environmental impact and to contribute to the development of virtuous systems with significant advantages along all the production-consumption-disposal cycle.

Mater-Bi® biopolymers can be classified according different typologies or “grades”. The vegetable components are of various kinds (cellulose, glycerin, natural fillers and non-genetically modified starch obtained from various crops) and are all extracted from plantations that do not exploit virgin or deforested land.
For example, corn starch, traditionally one of the first plant components to be used in Mater-Bi®, is a substance that has been widely used for decades as an industrial additive to produce a large number of products such as paper. The corn used is not genetically modified and is grown in Europe following the usual agronomic practices adopted by European farms. It is extracted directly from the grains and subjected to physical changes designed to maintain its natural characteristics. This makes the process efficient, reducing the use of resources to a minimum.
The grades of Mater-Bi® containing starch are covered by a wide range of patents and present highly diversified structures in which the starch either forms a complex with the other polymer components or presents a very fine dispersed morphology, which makes the products particularly tough.

Other grades of Mater-Bi® do not contain starch but simply biodegradable polymers produced using raw materials coming from renewable sources or fossil-derived raw materials. The substances obtained from fossil resources are only used when their renewable equivalents are not available on an industrial level. Vegetable oils used as a raw material for polymers come from non-genetically modified crops (no use is made of palm oil or soybean oil).

One of the components involved in the process of realization of Mater-Bi® are Origo-Bi®, the family of polyesters obtained from vegetable oils through a Novamont technology. Origo-Bi ® help to improve the technical, economic and environmental impacts of Mater-Bi® and toincrease the range of properties.




        因有些國家用燃燒方式處理垃圾從而轉(zhuǎn)化能量為取暖用途, 所以市場上就出現(xiàn)了高生物基原料成分而不需要生物降解/堆肥的創(chuàng)聚合物塑料的需求。是指用可再生資源製成的獨(dú)特產(chǎn)品,不需要生物降解/堆肥,但對整個生產(chǎn)使用鏈中減少溫室氣體排放量在的水平需有著顯著的貢獻(xiàn)。

        市場需求一般對生物基原料的要求是以其生物基含量分等級,其中最有名的是巴西的Breskem公司。他們的注冊商標(biāo)產(chǎn)品 - “綠色聚乙烯”是一種可再生的替代聚乙烯,一個主要用於消費(fèi)品包裝的熱塑性樹脂品行業(yè),如食品飲料,清潔和個人護(hù)理產(chǎn)品,以及玩具,垃圾容器和塑料袋。在其循環(huán)結(jié)束時,綠色聚乙烯可以和常規(guī)聚乙烯一樣在同一個生產(chǎn)使用鏈中進(jìn)行回收與再生。

        Breskem公司的注冊商標(biāo)產(chǎn)品 - “綠色聚乙烯”使用的原料是甘蔗乙醇。


By using Green Polyethylene, Braskem’s partners can offer unique products made from renewable resources that make a significant contribution to reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the chain. Green Polyethylene is a renewable alternative to polyethylene, a thermoplastic resin largely used for packaging in consumer goods industries, such as food and beverage, cleaning and personal care products, as well as toys, trash containers and plastic bags. At the end of its lifespan, Green Polyethylene can be recycled in the same chains already developed for conventional polyethylene. The I’m green™ seal can be applied to finished packaging and products that have Green Polyethylene in their composition. Different source, same properties Green Polyethylene is a drop-in biopolymer. Substituting conventional polyethylene with Green Polyethylene does not require investments in new plastics manufacturing machinery. The Green Polyethylene portfolio features approximately 30 grades in the HDPE, LLDPE and LDPE families that cover a wide range of applications. The vast majority of these grades have renewable carbon content of between 80% and 100%, based on their biogenic carbon content measured in accordance with the standard ASTMD6866. There are a number of recognized certifiers in Europe, the USA and Asia that offer labels for the renewable content of a material or products based on ASTMD6866. The raw material used to make Braskem’s Green Polyethylene is sugarcane ethanol.





Various environmental/eco friendly material - comparison


100% virgin PE (Polyethylene)

PE + recycled material

PE+Hybrid Material


Compostable Material

Bio-based   Material 

Green Technology Adapted




Oxo-degradable/       Total Degradable Plastic (TDP) technology

Biodegradable & composting technology

Renewable chemistry - thermoplastic resin made from sugarcane ethanol

Claimed Benefits

100% recyclable

Less new material used, reduce carbon footprint

Less fossil fuel plastic, reduce carbon footprint by upto 40%

Degrade in 18-24 months

100% biodegradable & compostable according to relevant standards

100% biodegradable & significantly reducing the level of
greenhouse gas emissions

Environmental standards adopted




BS EN ISO 4892-3


Minimum biobase content - 86% by ASTM D6866

BS EN ISO 17556

ASTM D6400

OECD 208


ASTM D 6954-04 and 3826

ISO 17088

PD CEN/TR 15351:2006

Australian Standard 4736-06



Tensile strength compare to traditional PE film


Slightly Weaker


Same as virgin PE


























Perhaps slightly







slightly greyish

Frosty, similar to HDPE natural color

slightly purpleish

Yellowish/Creamy or Translucent White

Similar to normal PE


Shiny for LDPE, Matt for HDPE

Same as normal PE

Slightly softer than PE

Same as normal PE

Some slightly softer than PE, some are more rigid

Similar to normal PE

Color availability

Any Pantone Color

Any Pantone Color

Any Pantone Color

Any Pantone Color

Not recommend with special colors

Not recommend with special colors

Shelf Life

2 years+

2 years+

18-24 months

18 months depending on storage conditions

12 months and depending on storage conditions

2 years+

Price Index








各種環(huán)保/環(huán)保型材料 - 比較
  100% 純 PE (聚乙烯) PE + 再生材料 PE+混合物料 PE + EPI/D2W 可堆肥物料 生物基原料
適合綠色科技 沒有 沒有 沒有 光合降解/總降解塑料(TDP)技術(shù) 可生物降解和堆肥技術(shù) 可再生化學(xué) - 從甘蔗乙醇製成熱塑性樹脂
聲稱的好處 100% 可h環(huán)再造 減少新型材料的使用,降低碳足跡 使用更少化石燃料的塑料,通過減少高達(dá)40%碳足跡 于18-24個月內(nèi)降解 100%生物降解和可堆肥的相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 100%生物降解的顯著減少的水平
環(huán)境標(biāo)準(zhǔn)采納 沒有 沒有 沒有 BS EN ISO 4892-3 EN13432 最小生物基物料含量均86% - 通過ASTM D6866
BS EN ISO 17556 ASTM D6400
OECD 208 D6868
ASTM D 6954-04 and 3826 ISO 17088
PD CEN/TR 15351:2006 Australian Standard 4736-06
與傳統(tǒng)PE薄膜比較抗拉強(qiáng)度 不適用 略弱 等同于純PE 相若
可降解? 不可 不可 不可
可堆肥? 不可 不可 不可 不可 No
氣味 沒有 也許稍微 沒有 沒有
顏色 沒有 略灰 磨砂,類近于HDPE的自然色 稍微紫色 淡黃/奶油或半透明白色 相若于普通PE
質(zhì)地 LDPE為閃亮的,HDPE為暗啞的 等同普通PE 稍微比PE更柔軟 等同普通PE     有些比PE更軟,有些更硬 相若于普通PE
可選顏色 任何Pantone色 任何Pantone色 任何Pantone色 任何Pantone色 建議不要用特殊顏色 建議不要用特殊顏色
保質(zhì)期 2 年+ 2 年+ 18-24 個月 取決于儲存條件約為18個月 取決于儲存條件約為12個月 2 年+
價格指數(shù) 100 90 100 110 400 250



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